The team at Encinitas Perio took early precautions to avoid spreading the corona virus. Just as HIV in the 80’s prompted additions to our safety protocols, so has the novel Corona Virus.
This is a growing list of what we are doing for your safety:
- First and foremost, as with any infectious disease, we try to avoid treating patients that are currently sick, so please tell us if you have any symptoms.
- Prior to appointments we phone, text, or email patients with questions asking about symptoms and exposure.
- Upon arrival, we greet patients with a no touch laser thermometer, and hand sanitizer.
- Convenient parking is available in front of the office so patients are welcome to wait in their cars prior to their appointment.
- You are also welcome to sit in our reception area and use our restrooms. These areas are sanitized with sterilize wipes regularly.
- Additional clear barriers are in place in the reception area.
- Reduction of droplet splatter, (aerosol reduction) is a priority during all dental procedures.